Province in Highly Vaxxed China Sees Over 88 Million COVID Infections

China has the most vaccinated individuals in the world, according to Johns Hopkins University & Medicine, with over 92% of the country’s population receiving at least one COVID-19 jab, 90.2% being “fully” vaccinated, according to updated Google data pulled from government health agencies.

Nevertheless, nearly 90% of people in Henan, China’s third most populous province, have now been infected with COVID, BBC reported this week.

Provincial official Kan Quancheng announced the figure, which amounted to about 88.5 million people.

China has an “above world average” vaccination rate, Johns Hopkins’ website shows.

By contrast, Johns Hopkins lists Eritrea as the least vaccinated country.

Eritrea has reported “0” (zero) coronavirus infections since October 31, 2022.

Reuters reported Dec 9, 2021 that Eritrea had “yet to start vaccinating its population against COVID-19,” and Politico reported on Wednesday that Eritrea “never” joined the “global vaccine equity effort.”

Screenshot from Johns Hopkins University & Medicine taken January 13, 2023
Screenshot from Google taken January 13, 2023