President Trump Did Not Profit From Market Boom He Created—He Became LESS Wealthy

new financial report confirmed President Trump’s assertion he not only did not profit off the presidency, but actually grew less wealthy as a result of his service to the American people.

This is according to estimates by Forbes, which were published in their annual Billionaires List on Tuesday. It assessed his net worth at $2.4 billion, which is down from $3.5 billion in 2017 at the onset of the Trump administration.

That means despite four years of accusations from the left that President Trump was enriching himself from the White House, his time in office actually cost him about 32 percent of his total wealth. This confirms the truth behind his numerous statements on the matter.

“I think I will, in a combination of loss and opportunity, probably it’ll cost me anywhere from three to $5 billion to be President,” he previously stated. “And the only thing I care about is this country…couldn’t care less, otherwise.”

Moreover, the analysis performed by Forbes and verified by industry experts also projected that had President Trump sold off all his assets and used the proceeds to invest in the stock market, he would have made himself $1.6 billion richer.

This is due to the thriving stock market overseen by the Trump administration and boosted by a business-friendly overhaul of the U.S. tax code, which was spearheaded by President Trump. According to Forbes, he refused to “cash in on a market boom he helped propel.”