President Biden Tells Black Graduates ‘White Supremacy’ Is The Biggest Threat In America

President Biden told graduates at the primarily black Howard University that “the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.”

Biden added that he was not just telling the students that because they were black.

“But on the best days, enough of us have the guts and the hearts to st- — to stand up for the best in us.  To choose love over hate, unity over disunion, progress over retreat.  To stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my Inaugural Address — to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy,” Biden said Saturday.

From Breitbart:

Biden also repeated the “fine people hoax,” repeating — almost verbatim — his false claim, recycled constantly since his campaign launch in 2019 — the lie that then-President Donald Trump praised neo-Nazis who rioted in Charlottesville, Virginia, as “very fine people.”

He went on to tell Howard graduates “[t]o stand up for truth over lies.”