Pompeo Hints at Possible 2024 Presidential Bid

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is not counting out a possible run for the White House in 2024 if former President Donald Trump doesn’t enter the race.

Pompeo made his comments during an interview with Fox News‘ Sean Hannity on Wednesday.

“Sean, I’m always up for a good fight,” he said. “You and I have been part of the conservative movement for an awfully long time now. I aim to keep at it.”

Hannity said he would take Pompeo’s remarks as “a strong maybe.” And Pompeo replied: “That’s perfect.”

Pompeo voiced concern over how world leaders perceive President Joe Biden.

“World leaders and my counterparts all across the world are watching closely,” Pompeo said. “Senior leadership all across the world, they watch every statement that is made, they watch every move. They see what their patterns are like, the kinds of behaviors they exhibit when times are tough and when the pressure is really on.”

Appearing on Newsmax TV on Feb. 22, Pompeo had questioned the Biden administration’s approach to foreign policy.

Pompeo said he wanted to give the administration “every opportunity to get it right” but feared that on some issues they were “about to throw it all away … for … almost nothing.”

“What I have heard so far, suggests a very muddled understanding of what led to so many successes that our administration had,” Pompeo said. “When you’re tough, when you’re strong, where you establish deterrents, then securing American freedom is possible to do.”