One in Five Young Americans Hold Positive View of Osama Bin Laden

Almost 20% of Americans between the ages of 18-29 have a positive view of Osama Bin Laden, according to a poll from Daily Mail.

Eight percent of young Americans said they had “completely positive” views of Bin Laden.

Around 30% of the young Americans surveyed believe Bin Laden’s values were a “force for good.”

Family members of 9/11 victims reported thought the findings were “horrifying.”

Overall, the poll found that 76% of respondents had a “completely negative” view of Bin Laden.

Founder of J.L. Partners, James Johnson, told Daily Mail, “It is hard to avoid the conclusion that there is a cancer in the American body politic: a small but sizeable group of its youngest voters.”

Last month, thousands of videos of Osama bin Laden’s letter to America were shared on TikTok.

Many young TikTok users claimed to have adopted a changed perspective on the United States and Israel after reading the letter.

“The Guardian had a copy of ‘Letter to America’ posted, but once these TikToks went viral, the Guardian took it down, which has only led to more interest in the letter and conspiracies from TikTokers who say this is part of the media and the powers that control it trying to silence the truth,” tweeted journalist Yashar Ali.