Oklahoma Softball Players Give Thanks To The Lord After Winning National Championship

The Oklahoma University softball team sat down with ESPN for a post-game interview on Thursday, thanking the Lord for their joy after winning the national championships.

“The only way you can have a joy that doesn’t fade away is from the Lord,” player Grace Lyons said.

“Any other type of joy is actually happiness that comes from circumstances and outcomes. Joy from the Lord is really the only thing that can keep you motivated, in a good mindset no matter the outcomes,” Lyons said.

“Thankfully we’ve had a lot of success this year, but if it was the other way around, joy from the Lord is the only thing that can keep you embracing those memories, moments, friendships and all of that. That’s really the only answer to that because there’s no other way that softball can bring you that because of how much failure comes in it and how much of a roller-coaster the game can be,” she continued.

From Breitbart:

Jayda Coleman jumped in, adding, “I one thousand percent agree with Grace Lyons.”

Coleman went on to say that during her freshman year, and her team was winning, she couldn’t sustain any level of joy after the game and added that she never realized true joy until she gave her life to the Lord.