No Visitor Logs Exist at Biden Residence Where Classified Docs Were Found, Though He Spent 163 Days There

Joe Biden has spent a total of 163 days over 49 trips to his Wilmington, Delaware home, according to the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) “Big Guy tracker,” a report from Breitbart explains.

It remains unclear how many days he spent at the home before and after his tenure as President, raising concerns about who might have had access to classified documents found stashed in the garage by his attorneys.

On Thursday, five more classified documents were discovered by Biden’s personal attorneys at his home.

The White House has yet to explain why the attorneys were searching for classified documents at the Biden Penn Center and Biden’s residence.

House Oversight Committee Chairman, Representative James Comer (R-KY) has reached out to the White House for an explanation on the continued search by the attorneys and for the disclosure of visitor logs from Biden’s Wilmington home.

“We don’t independently maintain our own visitor logs because it’s a private residence,” said Secret Service Spokesman Anthony Guglielmi in response to Comer’s request.

The White House also confirmed that Biden has failed to keep records of visitors to his Wilmington home.