New Book: Hotsenpiller’s ‘Midnight in America’ Calls for Courageous Faith in Uncertain Times

Originally published August 7, 2023 7:49 am PDT

Esteemed Christian author Phil Hotsenpiller announces the release of his provocative new book, Midnight in America: Confront Fear and Embrace Courage as the Final Hour Approaches.

The book boldly addresses the current state of the American church, suggesting it has unwittingly fallen into a spiritual slumber akin to the biblical narrative of Samson.

In Midnight in America, Hotsenpiller “fearlessly uncovers the alarming slumber within the church, drawing parallels to the biblical narrative of Samson the book’s synopsis describes.”

Much like Samson, who lost his power unknowingly, the book argues that the American church “finds itself in a similar state, unaware of its diminished influence and complacent in the face of critical challenges.”

In his latest work, Hotsenpiller confronts the spirit of fear that has crept into the church, directly impacting its influence and compromising its core mission.

He opines that the desire for worldly acceptance has inadvertently weakened the church’s impact, stating, Hotsenpiller “sheds light on the detrimental effects of seeking acceptance from the world, which has inadvertently weakened the church’s impact and compromised its mission.”

However, Midnight in America doesn’t stop at identifying problems.

It puts forward practical solutions for the readers to regain their spiritual strength.

The book “equips readers with the knowledge and wisdom needed to thrive in difficult times and embrace an unwavering hope that can withstand any adversity.”

Hotsenpiller’s intent is not merely to incite courage, but to offer readers an opportunity to comprehend the essence of courage, preparing them to face the challenges of the present and future.

Readers will learn how “to stand firm in the face of persecution,” reminding them that “hope is not just an abstract concept—it’s a person, who can transform lives and unleash the power within them.”

Midnight in America serves as a wake-up call for readers to reawaken their faith, reclaim their purpose, and reenergize their Christian mission.

As the book promises, readers will “confront their challenges, embrace their calling, and prepare for the imminent return of Christ.”

With its candid exploration of contemporary issues and unflinching call for a spiritual awakening, Midnight in America is set to ignite essential conversations about the role of faith in the modern world.

As the fears of our times continue to surge, this book offers an insightful path to rediscover faith, embrace courage, and reaffirm the promises that God has given His children.

You can get the book here.