National Archives to Release More JFK Files

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is processing records related to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in accordance with a memorandum from President Joe Biden titled “Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on the Temporary Certification Regarding Disclosure of Information in Certain Records Related to the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.”

It is because the “profound national tragedy” of Kennedy’s assassination “continues to resonate in American history and in the memories of so many Americans who were alive on that terrible day” that it has become “critical to ensure that the United States Government maximizes transparency, disclosing all information in records concerning the assassination, except when the strongest possible reasons counsel otherwise,” the memorandum stated.

These records were previously withheld, but the president has ordered that they be made available to the public.

The National Archives has posted these records online in order to comply with the president’s instructions. The deadline for disclosure of these records is December 15, 2022.

You can access the JFK files here.