Missouri AG Insists School Board Association Mandate Parents Be Informed on Child’s Sex Education

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey sent a letter to the state’s school board association insisting that it adopt mandates allowing parents to be informed on their child’s sex education within the classroom. The move comes as a middle school took children to a drag show without informing parents. “I want Missouri to be the safest state in the nation for children, which includes preventing school officials from taking schoolchildren to drag shows,” Bailey said in the letter.

From The Daily Signal:

Bailey’s proposed resolution states that board members “affirm that no student under the care, custody and control of this district shall participate in programs, or receive instruction concerning human sexuality unless such programs or instruction comfort fully with section 170.015 RSMo., including, but not limited to, subsections four (4) and five (5) requiring that material be age appropriate, and that parents and guardians be given notice and the opportunity to opt their students out of such instruction or activity.”