Medical Group Says Mask Mandates Must End, ‘No Future Mandates Should Be Imposed’

A medical group called the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons demanded mask mandates end after studies found masks do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.

“As mask mandates are contrary to the fundamental medical principle of informed consent, all masking mandates currently in place must be rescinded, and no future mandates should be imposed,” the group said in a statement.

“Furthermore, since mask mandates for viral illnesses provide no clear benefits, while creating potential for harm, individuals should be empowered to choose to not observe such mandates that are either currently in existence or that may be imposed in the future.”

According to another scientific paper, “carbon dioxide content in inhaled air rises on average to 13,000 to 13,750 ppm no matter whether children wear a surgical or an FFP2 mask,” something “far beyond the level of 2,000 ppm considered the limit of acceptability and beyond the 1,000 ppm that are normal for air in closed rooms.”

Masking also inhibits a child’s speech and language development.

Although some schools and universities look to impose mask mandates, the assistant secretary for public affairs for Health and Human Services said, “[R]umors of a federal mask mandate are not true.”

“We now have a range of tools for people to protect themselves from the impact of COVID-19, including vaccines, at-home testing and treatments. Masking is one of several steps people may choose to take to protect themselves if they wish.”

Contrary to the medical group, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said masks are effective at stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Reporting from The Epoch Times:

When the CDC recommended new COVID-19 vaccine shots for nearly all Americans over the age of six months, the agency's director, Mandy Cohen, was asked by reporters about whether mandates are on the table.

"What I see is I don’t see any need for mandates or those kinds of things right now. But we have to keep watching this virus, seeing how it changes, and if we need to make other recommendations, we will," the CDC director said on Tuesday.