Mainstream press writing three times fewer stories about Biden than Trump

Mainstream media web traffic slumped by 20 percent after President Trump left office, with the press writing three times fewer stories about Biden than they did about Trump in the same month after he took office in 2017.

According to analytics firm SimilarWeb, there was at least a one fifth decline in traffic in February compared to the previous month.

Politics consumption also dropped by 28 per cent as people lost interest in the presidency after Biden’s inauguration.

“There were three times as many stories written about about Trump in February of 2017 than about Biden last month, according to data from NewsWhip,” reports Axios.

“Biden was discussed on cable news for an estimated 1,836 minutes last month, according to the Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer. In February of Trump’s first year, he commanded an estimated 4,669 minutes on cable news.”

The media is seemingly uninterested in the fact that Biden hasn’t given a single major press conference or any form of public address since taking office.

Nor are they that bothered about the fact that Kamala Harris appears to be pulling the strings behind the scenes while Biden is trotted out for the odd limited appearance during which he stumbles through his sentences.

“What some mainstream media take away from this is that people are now used to the “drama” from politics that was present during the Trump presidency,” writes Didi Rankovic

” However, much of that drama, producing polarization and divisions, may have actually come from the media themselves, rather than politics per se; after all, the current sharp dip in traffic shows they had incentive to keep whipping up that drama for financial reasons, beyond any preferred politics and ideologies.”