Less Americans Want Children

According to a new poll, the number of childless Americans who believe they will not have children in the future has increased by 7% in the last two years.

  • A new Pew Research Center survey released earlier this week found US demographics experiencing a rapidly declining birth rate.
  • The trend was blamed on the Covid-19 pandemic, through which the US birth rate fell by 4% to its lowest point since 1979, indicating a drop for the sixth consecutive year.
  • About 44% of Americans aged 18 to 49 who don’t have children believe it’s unlikely they will ever be parents.

About 23% of childless respondents seemingly ruled out ever having children, saying it was “not at all likely” that they would become parents some day. Around 21% conceded that the chances of them having kids was “not too likely.”

The number of non-parents in the US who are reluctant to raise kids has increased by 7% since 2018. Back then, 37% of respondents said the idea of having children was not something that appealed to them.

The overwhelming majority of Americans who already have kids plan to stop at that. Some 74% of US parents younger than 50 said they were either “not too likely” or “not at all likely” to expand their families any further, according to the poll.

When asked about the reasons behind their decision not to have kids, a whopping 56% of childless respondents said they just do not wish to have any. Some 19% chalked up their apparent unwillingness to have kids to medical reasons, while a further 17% cited “financial reasons.” About 15% said they lacked a partner to start a family with, while 10% cited their age.

A further 9% invoked the “state of the world,” which is apparently too bleak to bring a child into. Some 5% pointed to environmental reasons, including climate change. Only 2% of respondents said they were not planning to have children because of their partner’s stance.