Lawyer Says Justice Barrett ‘Identified the Real Issue’ in Web Designer LGBT Case

Attorney Kristen Waggoner said Justice Amy Coney Barrett “identified the real issue” in web designer Lorie Smith’s Supreme Court case over Smith’s refusal to create a wedding website for an LGBT couple. Barrett expressed that Smith’s case is “about the message” rather than “who the person is,” said Waggoner.

From The Washington Examiner:

During oral arguments over the case on Dec. 5, Barrett echoed Waggoner's point that Smith's dispute is "about the message" after she posed a hypothetical scenario on whether she would design a website for a heterosexual couple getting married after divorcing other people. Waggoner said her client would likely not design for the hypothetical couple.


Waggoner added that Justice Neil Gorsuch's arguments on Monday also captured the crux of Smith's argument when he compared the web designer's situation to speechwriters being forced to write a press release on something they oppose.

“What [Smith says] is ‘We will not sell to anyone, anyone, a message that I disagree with as a matter of religious faith,’” Gorsuch said. “Just as a speechwriter says for the press release or the freelance writer says, ‘I will not sell to anyone a speech that offends my religious beliefs.’”