Lara Trump Unanimously Voted in as New RNC Co-Chair

Ronna McDaniel officially stepped down from her position as RNC Chairwoman today, extending a welcome to the new Chairman Michael Whatley and co-chair Lara Trump.

Both Whatley and Trump received an endorsement from former President Donald Trump.

Lara Trump spoke to committee members about the essence of fundraising and encouraging methods such as “early voting.”

“We’ve got to play the game a little bit differently. We have to encourage people to do things like early voting,” she said.

“I think the great news for the RNC is that Chairman Whatley has a great background in this. If you look at North Carolina in 2020, my father-in-law is the first to give him great accolades on what he did to protect the vote, and people felt very confident that their vote counted and there was no funny business. That’s very important, and it’s critical to the future of this country,” Trump stated.

“We’ll be laser-focused on that. I just held up a check for $100,000 as we made our announcement that the two of us were officially in these positions because I think raising money is obviously something else that we’ll focus on a lot. We are in a bit of new dawn here at the RNC. We’re going to bring a lot of people back in to donate—small dollar, large dollar. We’re going to be focused on that as well.”

Lara Trump will be the keynote speaker at the American Faith Gala on May 5 at The Lost World in Anaheim Hills, CA.