Jordan B. Peterson stunned by ‘Red Skull’ hit job in ‘Captain America’ comic

Left-wing activist and Marvel scribe Ta-Nehisi Coates has turned clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson into “Red Skull.”

The latest issue of “Captain America” stunned the famous “12 Rules for Life” and “Beyond Order” author this week when he realized the creative hit job in a story titled “All Die Young: Part IX.”

The tale takes place after the Nazi-inspired villain used “chaos to his advantage” during a bomb scare.

“What the hell?” Mr. Peterson tweeted as a panel of Red Skull discussing “10 Rules for Life,” “Chaos and Order” and “The Feminist Trap” went viral across social media.

Critics of Mr. Coates have consistently claimed that he was infusing tales with left-wing activism during his run on the book.