Ivy League Experts Find White House Estimate on Spending Plan Cost Is Laughably Low

One of President Joe Biden’s biggest promises lately is laughably low — but there’s nothing funny about it.

When Biden took the national stage last week for his first address to Congress, a key part of the speech was the “American Families Plan,” a $1.8 trillion monstrosity of government overreach and intervention aimed at increasing American dependence on the government.

But, according to a study released Wednesday, the price Biden quoted was ridiculously off base. And it’s a rock-solid bet it’s going to get worse.

According to the study released by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business, the price of Biden’s boondoggle over the next 10 years would be in the ballpark of $2.5 trillion — a $700 billion overrun from the initial estimate.

In the Biden era of big-government giveaways, where Democrats and the mainstream media talk about trillion-dollar projects with the easy complacency of the people who will never have to pay the bills, it’s easy to lose track of the figures, but even in 2021, $700 billion is a serious amount of money.