Hunter Biden to Be Indicted by End of September

Originally published September 6, 2023 6:17 pm PDT

Special Counsel David Weiss has indicated intentions to indict Hunter Biden before the month concludes.

This news comes following a recent court filing, in which Weiss clarified that, under the guidelines of the Speedy Trial Act, the government must “obtain the return of an indictment by a grand jury by Friday, Sept 29, 2023, at the earliest.”

He further emphasized that they “intend to seek the return of an indictment in this case before that date.”

The legal move was detailed in a status update, submitted as per a court directive, which called for an update on the ongoing case to be presented by Sep 6, 2023.

As of now, the specific charges Hunter Biden might be indicted for remain undisclosed to the public.

Interestingly, this update follows an earlier episode where Hunter Biden’s plea agreement was called into question.

Just last month, a proposed plea deal for Hunter Biden collapsed under judicial scrutiny, Breitbart recounted.

Originally, this arrangement would have allowed Biden to admit guilt for evading taxes on a reported $1.5 million in income from 2017 and 2018. In lieu of incarceration, he would have received probation.

Special Counsel Weiss had also formulated a distinct diversion agreement in this plea deal.

This unique provision would have granted Hunter Biden immunity against potential charges in the future.

Notably, one of the terms within this agreement would have effectively expunged a felony gun violation from Biden’s record.

However, when the plea deal underwent judicial examination, it was found wanting.

This unexpected outcome disrupted the agreement that had been established between Weiss and Hunter Biden.

In response to this setback, Hunter Biden’s legal representatives posited that the terms laid out in the “diversion agreement” should still stand.

They argued that this element of the plea deal had not been nullified and, as such, Weiss should remain committed to the terms they had established.

Going a step further, they alleged that the government had “reneged” on what they labeled a “previously agreed-upon Plea Agreement.”

While the legal strategies continue to evolve, this recent filing clearly signifies the intent of the Special Counsel’s office.