Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka revealed to Russia Today that Hamas was planning the attacks on Israel for two years.
The planning coincides with the Afghanistan withdrawal after Biden took office.
“We have been preparing for this for two years. We have local factories for everything. We have rockets with ranges of 250 kms, 160 kms, 80 kms, 45 kms, and 10 kms,” Baraka said.
The Hamas official added, “We have factories for mortars and their shells. We have factories for manufacturing B-7 and B-10 guns and their shells. We have factories for manufacturing Kalashnikov rifles and their bullets. We have a Russian license to produce Kalashnikov bullets in Gaza.”
Baraka noted that Iran aided Hamas, stating, “Our allies are those that support us with weapons and money. First and foremost it is Iran that is giving us money and weapons. There is also Hezbollah, and the Arab and Islamic people who are standing by us.”
“There are also prisoners in the U.S. We want them. Of course,” he added. “There are Hamas members sentenced for life in the U.S. We want them too. Of course. We demand that the U.S. free our sons from prisons. The U.S. conducts prisoner swaps. Only recently, it did one with Iran,” referring to the Biden administration’s recent swap and release of $6 billion. “Why wouldn’t it conduct a prisoner swap with us? After all, it is participating in this war.”
“Biden, the highest authority in the U.S., declared that he stands with Israel against Hamas and the Palestinian people. Therefore, he is a partner to this aggression, he must pay the price,” Baraka stated.
Breitbart reported that a manual used by Hamas terrorists dating to October 2022 was discovered. “Dating to October 2022, the ‘operational document’ ‘includes plans for a raid on Israeli towns near Gaza, including details about breaching the border fence, and about expected Israeli defenses. The plan also called for taking ‘prisoner soldiers, residents, and … hostages for negotiations.’ The plan was circulated Thursday by ‘South First Responders’ on Telegram.”