Former French Intelligence Chief Blames Violent Riots on Mass Immigration Policies, Warns of Societal Collapse

In the aftermath of violent riots and looting in France, the country’s former intelligence chief, Pierre Brochand, has blamed the disorder on the mass immigration policies of the last 50 years.

He suggests that these policies have led to the creation of a volatile societal cocktail and warns of an imminent societal collapse.

Brochand, who led France’s DGSE counter-intelligence agency from 2002 to 2008, claims the crises arose from the “dominant ideology, which has justified and even glorified the massive colonizing immigration,” according to Remix News.

This stands in contrast to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin’s assertion that only 10% of the rioters were foreigners.

In an interview with Le Figaro, Brochand criticized his country’s immigration policy and failure to control borders.

He cited a “mixture of humanism and economic interests” as the reason behind the country’s inability to regulate its borders, emphasizing the increasing reliance on cheap labor from abroad.

“The transition to a society of individuals has created what he calls a scissor effect. Hence, in Brochand’s eyes, internal partition is the natural inclination of the multicultural societies of Western Europe,” Brochand said.

He views the situation in France as a warning for other European countries, indicating that they could suffer a similar fate if they don’t control immigration.

Italy, for example, has started to experience mass immigration in the 2010s, and there’s growing concern among Italians about the country’s future.

He further states that the recent violence in France is much more dangerous than the riots of 2005, involving somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 participants.

He describes the current crisis as “an uprising or revolt against the French national state, by a significant proportion of the youth of non-European origin present on its territory.”

While Brochand believes it’s too late to control immigration, he insists that a radical policy change is crucial to avoiding a complete societal breakdown.

He criticizes the political class for not demonstrating enough courage to make the necessary changes, pointing out that 74% of French people think there are too many immigrants in their country and 62% want France to ignore EU treaties and laws to halt immigration.

Backing Brochand’s sentiments, Gendarmerie Colonel Philippe Cholous highlighted the danger of the explosive situation, indicating “the level of exasperation and resentment, the level of violence, and above all, the fact that in certain areas there is a real hatred of France, with weapons circulating, means that the potential is explosive.”

Despite the chaos, the French government has shown no signs of halting its plans to legalize hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

The move, critics argue, will only increase the pull factor for illegal immigration to Europe.

According to a recent poll, the public’s trust in the government’s ability to manage the crisis is waning.

The poll reveals 32% of respondents do not trust any political leaders to find solutions, while 27% have faith in Marine Le Pen, 22% in Jordan Bardella, and only 20% in President Emmanuel Macron, Remix notes.