Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced Monday the state will never allow the government or private sector to force citizens to show vaccine passports to “participate in normal society.”
After signing a bill protecting businesses, schools and other institutions from being sued over COVID-19 pandemic safety measures, DeSantis revealed he’ll soon be issuing an executive order to address the COVID passports.
“We are not supporting doing any vaccine passports in the state of Florida,” the governor said. “It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society.”
He continued, “You want to go to a movie theater, should you have to show that? No. You want to go to a game, no. You want to go to a theme park, no. We are not supportive of that. I think it’s something that people have certain freedoms and individual liberties to make decisions for themselves.”
Addressing concerns about which companies would hypothetically have access to vaccine passport data, DeSantis asked, “I also wonder it’s like you’re going to do this & what give all this information to some big corporation? You want the fox to guard the henhouse? I mean give me a break. I think this is something that has huge privacy implications.”