Far From Immune To The Never-Ending COVID Regime, Red States Are A Ripe Target—Unless Their Governors Act Now

The unending COVID regime isn’t a nightmare scenario, it’s an existential threat to our liberties, a possible and unexamined risk to our health, and right here among us.

A guide at a hiking camp in Alaska. A waitress at a restaurant in Houston, Texas. A student at a college in Atlanta, Georgia.

What do these have in common, besides being featured in recent news reports? Two things, both of which should worry anyone skeptical of injecting a novel vaccine with little-to-no long-term testing of its possibly serious negative side effects.

For one, all of these people might be required to submit to the novel vaccinations, although a lot of companies and schools are doing that these days. On Monday, for example, the Democrat attorney general of Virginia gave private schools the all-clear to demand their mostly teenaged students — a group toward which COVID-19 is virtually non-threatening — get the vaccines, despite nearly zero understanding of its effects on, say, future fertility. They’ll join over 30 colleges and universities nationwide, including a number of allegedly Catholic schools, that have made the same demand of current and incoming students.

The second thing these employees have in common — and one worth fighting over — is all are in states where Republican governors have promised the government will not be issuing any kind of state vaccine passports or requiring vaccination for access to government services. Many of these state executives don’t believe that vaccine passports coming to their states through private business are a threat to liberty, and believe they have neither the authority to restrict businesses and institutions from enforcing mandates, nor the moral duty to protect students, machinists, camp guides, waiters, and the rest of us from private business mandates. A “let the market figure it out” sort of thing.