Experts Say Mask-Wearing Doesn’t Prevent Infection

Medical experts Yoav Yehezkelli and Amnon Lahad wrote a letter to the Israel Medical Association Journal (IMAJ) addressing mask mandates. The letter described the lack of “justification” for mask mandates, as there are zero studies prior to 2020 that call for mask mandates. Instead, observational studies show that masks have adverse effects on health, including breathing difficulties, problems focusing, and risk of contamination.

From The Epoch Times:

Some observational studies show that mask-wearing is beneficial and some show that it is not. But both of the controlled studies show there is no benefit.

“I think this is an example of the trending, misleading information provided both by the Israeli Ministry of Health and by health authorities around the world … which was provided both to the public and to the professional public, including to us doctors,” he said.


“The wrong policy in response to COVID-19 caused, in my understanding, a disaster on a global scale,” said Yehezkelli. Examples of this disaster include the loss of school years for children, anxiety and depression in the population as a result of the isolation and lockdowns—mainly among the youth who are still affected by it, an increase in eating disorder cases, unemployment, and economic damage.