‘Eco-Anxiety’ Leading to ‘Climate Therapy’ Labeled ‘Rational’ by New York Times

The New York Times claims the rise of “climate therapy” for leftists suffering from “eco-anxiety,” such as panic attacks over presumed emanate environmental disasters.

  • An article in The New York Times claimed that as “Climate Change Enters the Therapy Room,” “eco-anxiety” has become prevalent among activists.
  • The publication cited Portland psychologist Dr. Thomas J. Doherty, whose practice caters to the treatment of climate anxiety, according to Summit News
  • The doctor claims that people are suffering mental breakdowns over things as small as their friends discussing future vacations.
  • Not only did the Times seem to lend legitimacy to the mental disturbance, other mental health professionals and organizations have started to get on board with the change according to Summit News.
  • A survey by Pew Research showed that those who associate themselves with traditionally leftist beliefs are more likely to suffer from mental health conditions.
  • “Eco-anxiety, a concept introduced by young activists, has entered a mainstream vocabulary. And professional organizations are hurrying to catch up. Though there is little empirical data on effective treatments, the field is expanding swiftly,” the Times stated.
  • “An 18-year-old student who sometimes experiences panic attacks so severe that she can’t get out of bed; a 69-year-old glacial geologist who is sometimes overwhelmed with sadness when he looks at his grandchildren; a man in his 50s who erupts in frustration over his friends’ consumption choices, unable to tolerate their chatter about vacations in Tuscany,” states the report.
  • Climate change and demonization of the use of fossil fuels as become a hallmark of the progressive agenda.
  • According to the National Review, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, part of the U.N. body, has recently released its most recent assessment of climate change, stating the dire consequences of climate change, reported to be catastrophic.