Doctor Diagnoses Amber Heard With Two Personality Disorders, Reveals During Trial With Depp

Actor Johnny Depp is suing his ex-wife Amber Heard for $50 million over an op-ed she wrote in 2018, claiming it damaged his career.

Heard did not name Depp in the article entitled, “I spoke up against sexual violence—and faced our culture’s wrath. That has to change,” but Depp’s lawyers argue it was obviously about him.

Clinical and forensic psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry took the witness stand Tuesday morning following Depp’s Bahamas island estate manager. She’s worked in the field for about 15 years and about half of her practice focuses on couple’s therapy.

Depp’s attorney reached out to Curry to provide expert opinion in the case. Her role was to review case materials to determine if there was evidence on “intimate partner violence” between Depp and Heard. Intimate partner violence could include physical or psychological abuse.

Dr. Curry testified that Amber Heard has two personality disorders.

After being contacted by Johnny Depp’s legal team in 2021 to review this case, Curry provided a psychological evaluation of Heard.

Curry reviewed case documents, medical records, mental health treatments, and audio and video records. She also and met with Heard twice directly in December 2021.

In her expert opinion, Curry diagnosed Heard with Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder.

A personality is the traits and characteristics that make up the way one feels, thinks and acts, essentially what “makes us who we are,” Curry said.

A personality disorder, Curry said, is a disfunction of those enduring traits. She said these disorders are disturbances in areas visible in all facets of one’s life.

Reporting from Newsweek.