CNN: Joe Biden’s political honeymoon is officially over

Editor’s Note: American Faith would like to point out that CNN—a news organization whose values run contrary to our own—has given the following noteworthy report.

The shine has worn off Joe Biden.

His average approval ratings is now below 50% in the running averages maintained by 538 (49.3%) and Real Clear Politics (49.6%). (Hat tip to Politico’s Playbook for first noting it!)

While polling averages are less-than-a-perfect measure — they take in lots and lots of polling data, of varying degrees of expertise and rigor — they do make clear that Biden has been on a downward trend. Gallup confirms the erosion in Biden’s support; as of late July his approval rating stood at 50%, the lowest of his term to date.

It also seems unlikely that Biden’s somewhat-freefall has stopped just yet.

Data from an Reuters-Ipsos poll showed that Biden’s approval rating dropped from 53% on Friday to 46% on Tuesday — a dip that seems directly tied to the chaos happening in Afghanistan and the President’s somewhat-slow response to it.

There’s also the ongoing fourth spike of Covid-19 ravaging the country, with new cases up 52% nationally as compared to two weeks ago and deaths up 87% during that same time frame, according to The New York Times.

Given all of that — and the at-times conflicting messages coming out of the Biden White House — it seems likely that the President’s approval numbers have not gotten as low as they might over the coming weeks.

Read the full article here.