Christians Could Make Up Less Than Half of Americans by 2070: Pew Research

In recent years, a large number of Americans have left Christianity and joined the growing group of adults in the United States who identify as atheist, agnostic, or “nothing in particular.”

This trend has led to a shift in the religious landscape of the United States, causing people to consider the future of religion in the country.

According to a September report from the Pew Research Center, about 64% of Americans, including children, were Christian in 2020, while 30% of the population identified as religiously unaffiliated, often referred to as “nones.”

Adherents of all other religions, including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, made up approximately 6% of the population.

Based on different scenarios that consider whether religious switching continues at current rates, speeds up, or stops altogether, the projections show that Christians of all ages could make up anywhere from 54% to 35% of the American population by 2070.

Over the same period, the percentage of “nones” in the population is expected to rise from the current 30% to between 34% and 52%.