Christian Entrepreneur Reveals Efforts To Create Parallel Society Where Christians Are Free To Live Out Biblical Values

In collaboration with its supporters and partners, Gab is reportedly developing an infrastructure that will soon support a parallel society where Christians can be free to live out Biblical values.

In contrast to traditional media, technology can serve a parallel society on the web. Independent thinkers and Christian entrepreneurs like Gab CEO Andrew Torba believe that this is possible for people of faith.

“Many of you don’t know that I lived and worked in Silicon Valley as a Christian entrepreneur before starting Gab in 2016, wrote Torba on September 27. “Few Christians can truly understand what it means to live in the nihilistic hellhole of a post-truth, post-morality, and post-Christian world until they have lived in San Francisco among the most narcissistic, empty, and sociopathic people in Silicon Valley.”

After witnessing how a group of people in Silicon Valley undermine free speech and Christian values, he said that one of his greatest fears is that there will eventually be no place for people to talk and learn about the Gospel online.

“I couldn’t stand by and watch that happen,” he declared.

Therefore, Torba introduced the concept of a “parallel” world; one that has parallel economies, parallel infrastructures, parallel societies, and now, parallel technologies.

In light of the fact that it is the digital era in which information is exchanged efficiently via technology, Torba and his team have gone to work. Earlier this week, he announced that his team installed a new storage system with 600 terabytes of capacity in one of Gab’s own data centers.

“We do not have the luxury of being hosted in the cloud by Amazon, Microsoft, or Google web services. We had no choice but to build our own and invest millions of dollars in time and hardware to maintain and grow our servers,” he explained.

While the CEO acknowledged that a lot of time and money were spent behind the scenes to make Gab possible, he said that it was well worth it. This is because on Gab, he sees Christians thrive, and that the Gospel is being spread.

“Gabbers are starting businesses, holding virtual Bible studies, starting groups to connect and fellowship with one another, praying for one another, and many are even embracing the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ for the first time in their lives,” he reported.

The Gab network also allows users to spot and support Christian entrepreneurs, authors, news outlets, and artists. Additionally, Gab Ads have shown to be very helpful for Christian entertainment production businesses like Revelation Media.

Although it is simple to declare one’s disinterest in Netflix and other media sources as well as entertainment created by evil-minded individuals, Torba pointed out that something must be done to fill that vacuum. So, with that in mind, he recommended Revelation Media as one of the many Christian solutions working in the direction of a parallel society.

“This is why Gab’s infrastructure must be preserved and expanded at all costs,” he continued. “Not only is it powering the real time flow of information, but it’s also powering the creation of a parallel Christian economy where Christians can discover parallel goods, services, and entertainment being provided or sold by other Christians.”

He said that Christian’s great-grandchildren would one day discover the truth about the “Great Spiritual War” and how their predecessors set the groundwork for a parallel Christian civilization.

“It’s really amazing to see. A parallel Christian society is forming-and it’s growing quickly,” he proclaimed.