President Joe Biden is a hypocrite and a liar, according to Chris Christie, by pouring gasoline on raging election integrity and racial injustice fires for political expediency.
“Here’s what Joe Biden’s got to live with when he wakes up this morning on Easter morning: He is doing exactly what he sat around in the campaign and the transition and accused Donald Trump of doing; he is lying to cause racial divisions in this country,” Christie told ABC’s “This Week.”
“That’s what he accused Donald Trump of doing, and he’s a liar and a hypocrite this morning.”
Christie, the former GOP governor of New Jersey, had a firm back-and-forth with former Democrat Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on whether or not Biden is lying in his rebuke of Georgia’s election reforms, which were codified into law after Democrats used the guise of COVID-19 to make massive 2020 election changes without passing them through the state legislature.
Biden was lying because the Georgia election reforms “expands early voting in Georgia” when “the president said it ended it,” according to Christie.
“Let’s talk about what the Georgia law is really about because we haven’t had much of that,” Christie said. “Drop boxes now become a permanent part of the Georgia landscape. They were not prior to COVID. They are now.
“Minimum of 17 days of early voting, including two Saturdays and two optional Sundays. You’re going to have all voters being able to have multiple ways to prove who they are, driver’s license, last four numbers of your Social Security number, even a utility bill or a free ID provided by the state of Georgia, and voting is going to be until – from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. as it is right now in Georgia.”