Brigham and Women’s Hospital announces plans to discriminate and deny treatment to patients based on skin color

A recent piece in the Boston Review, written by physicians Michelle Morse and Bram Wispelwey, announces an alarming new “antiracist” agenda at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

The pilot initiative, inspired by Critical Race Theory scholarship, will include “a preferential admission option for Black and Latinx heart failure patients to our specialty cardiology service.”

In other words, the hospital plans to intentionally discriminate, based on race, against some patients in the allocation of specialized and limited cardiac care (beds, personnel, resources).

“Offering preferential care based on race or ethnicity may elicit legal challenges from our system of colorblind law,” Morse and Wispelwey admit.

“But given the ample current evidence that our health, judicial, and other systems already unfairly preference people who are white, we believe—following the ethical framework of Zack and others—that our approach is corrective and therefore mandated.”