- White protester had tried to stop agitators throwing objects at police.
A group of Black Lives Matter protesters were caught on camera telling a white liberal ally, “You’re white! You don’t belong!” before demanding that he leave the area because he asked that other protesters stop throwing objects at the police.
The incident occurred during more protests that took place last night outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department.
The clip shows the white protester being told to “shut the fuck up” before another woman tells him, “You’re a guest in a black space, remember that!…if you can’t be a guest in a black space, get the fuck out!”
“You’re white, you already don’t belong!” she adds.
The white protester attempts a feeble comeback but is immediately told, “Shut the F*** up!” once again.
“I’ma tell you one more time and them I’m not gonna talk to you,” another male BLM protester says. “Go that way, go that way.”