BLM Louisville Bails Out Quintez Brown, Suspect in Attempted Mayoral Candidate Shooting

A group supported by Black Lives Matter Louisville has posted bail for the 21-year-old charged with attempting to shoot mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg.

  • The Louisville Community Bail Fund reportedly set bail at an amount of $100,000 for Quintez Brown around 4 p.m. Wednesday, according to WPSD.
  • Brown, who has been accused of one count of attempted murder and four counts of wanton endangerment after firing a handgun at Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg, pleaded not guilty Tuesday.
  • The Courier Journal of Louisville reported Brown was released from the county jail around 7:30 p.m. after the local group paid the bail.
  • Those behind the bail fund are dedicated to freeing defendants in criminal cases who can’t afford bail, including rioters during the summer of 2020.

“Black Lives/Thugs M assassin/terrorist Quintez Brown arrested 4 attempting to kill Dem. Mayor Candidate Craig Greenberg. BLM bailed their assassin out of jail but hasn’t spent a dime helping Black Americans businesses that were destroyed at the BLM riots!” @harryjhouck

  • BLM Louisville organizer and co-founder Chantelle Helm said keeping Brown safe was the organization’s goal in setting his bail.
  • “They are calling for this individual, this young man who needs support and help, to be punished to the full extent,” Helm said. “It is a resounding message that people are down for the torture that has taken place in our jails and prisons.”
  • Brown, who has been prominent in the city’s civil rights activism and vocal about his opinion against concealed carry laws, shot at Greenberg inside his campaign headquarters office on Monday.
  • Metro Council President David James said that the organization should not have bailed Brown out, stating that “they are going to be responsible for what he may or may not do to anybody.”