Barclays Bank Pays $25,000 After Closing Christian Organization’s Bank Account

Dr. Mike Davidson, an executive of a Christian trust, received more than $25,000 in compensation from Barclays Bank.

Barclays originally closed the Christian group’s bank account after being pressured by LGBT activists.

LGBT activists asserted Core Issues Trust and the International Federation for Therapeutic and Counseling Choice were calling for “conversion therapy,” prompting Barclays to close the accounts.

Davidson then received threats that he and the trust’s staff would be “raped and killed.”

Core Issues Trust is a Christian ministry “supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression,” according to its website.

The nonprofit organization “offers one-to-one support for individuals voluntarily seeking to leave homosexual behaviours and feelings.”

Lawyers said the account closure was “an act of unlawful discrimination” against Davidson’s religious and political beliefs.

Barclays then paid a settlement of £21,500, around $25,000.

Reporting from The National Pulse:

Davidson said following the settlement: “We reject Barclays [B]ank’s implied accusations of ‘conversion therapy’, directed at our work and charity. This case must serve as a warning to the government of what is coming if it proceeds with publishing and enforcing its ‘conversion therapy’ ban.”