Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Celebrates Dodgers Prayer Rally, Condemns Pride

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò celebrated the Dodgers prayer rally while condemning LGBTQ Pride.

The archbishop said it was “blasphemous” to be honoring Pride over that of the Sacred Heart.

“To hear this unworthy religious become a promoter of vice and to affirm that there is no contradiction between celebrating the Sacred Heart and the obscene demonstrations of Pride is a cause of scandal for the faithful, a dishonor for the Holy Church, and a blasphemous outrage against Our Lord,” reads a statement from the Archbishop.

“To these poor souls I say: do not be deceived! Wake up from this hypnosis, before it is too late!” his statement added.

“Have the humility to run to the foot of the Cross, where that Most Sacred Heart was pierced by the lance so that Blood and water flowed from it, and to cry out with the hearts of children your repentance, your request for help, and your trust in the supernatural help of God, Who puts everyone to the test: not in order to see them fall but so that they may rise victorious and deserve the eternal prize.”

Reporting from LifeSite News:

In this procession of public reparation, I urge you to pray for those responsible for public offenses against the Divine Majesty. Ask the Lord to touch the hearts of those — perhaps seduced by the deceptions of the mainstream — who think that the practice of homosexuality is not intrinsically sinful and that as such it should not be condemned by Catholic morality; those who, induced to indulge inclinations that a healthy education and a solid interior life could serenely correct, are deluded by mercenaries or wolves disguised as lambs that their conduct does not deprive them of the Grace of God. I ask you also to pray for those who, while holding positions of responsibility, do not raise up, as is their duty, any rejection of any cooperation with woke madness, without realizing that the moral upheaval of nations is the premise of fratricidal struggles, seditions, and civil war — along with disorder, the legitimization of new controls, new restrictions, and new discriminations.