Alaska’s Soldotna Public Library is holding a drag queen story hour for children called “Happy New Queer.”
According to the Alaska Watchman, the January 6 event will feature six drag performers, one of whom is an openly gay man who goes by “Ivanna Kischacok.”
The event is organized by an LGBT group called Soldotna Pride.
A flyer for the event reads, “The whole family is invited!”
The day will also include “drag trivia” and “queer karaoke,” the latter event which is for those aged 21 and older.
While some areas are hosting drag queen events advertised for children, others are protesting the events.
American Faith reported that California parents protested against the San Fernando Library holding a story hour event with “Pickle the Drag Queen.”
The protest led to the event being canceled.
Some parents said, “Bye-bye” and “No pervert pedophiles are going to train our kids to be perverts like you.”