Adam Kinzinger Is Selling Signed Copies of the Jan 6 Committee’s Final Report

Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger, a member of the January 6 Committee, is offering signed copies of the committee’s final report on the Capitol Building attack for $100.

The 845-page document, which includes exhibits and witnesses testimony, delves into the events surrounding the Capitol riot on Jan 6, 2021.

According to the description of the report, it is “the official investigation into the attack- perhaps the most vital congressional investigation in American history-with exhibits, and witness testimony.”

Kinzinger, who has been vocal in his criticism of Donald Trump, describes the attack as “the culmination of a plot organized and driven by a defeated president, attempting to remain in power through a complex web of deceit, intimidation, and violence.”

The report can also be purchased in combination with a signed Kinzinger hat for $60.

The document is available for free on the internet here: