Actress Supports Vax Despite Diagnosis of Bell’s Palsy Post-Vaccine (Video)

Actress still supports the shot.

  • Canadian actress Jennifer Gibson disclosed in a video that she acquired Bell’s Palsy just two weeks after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Nevertheless, the actress admitted that she would still get the shot again.
  • The video shows that the left side of Gibson’s face is paralyzed, and she attributed the condition to the Bell’s Palsy, which she indicated was likely a reaction to the vaccine.
  • The video went viral over a year after she originally posted it.
  • “This is not a video that I wanted to make, and it’s kinda hard to make, cause as I’m watching myself, I see what I’m gonna say,” a visibly upset Gibson says on camera. “So I got it about two weeks after getting my vaccine and I had a rough go with the vaccine, and I guess still am.”
  • “But I have to say that I would do it again because it’s what we have to do to see people,” she said. “I don’t know why I’m making this video but here’s my weird smile.”
  • In the caption to her Instagram post accompanying the video, Gibson wrote, “I’ve had many people follow this page after their own #diagnosis, so I’m sharing this video hoping it gives them optimism. My symptoms got worse after this video, I was considered a severe case, and I am almost back to ‘normal’. (Whatever that is…) I didn’t see any improvement for about a month and I got really discouraged, so I hope this can help someone.”
  • Reports of vaccine injuries have grown as the COVID-19 vaccines spread. American Faith previously reported a Rheumatologist stated that roughly 40% of his 5,000 vaccinated patients reported vaccine injury.
  • The doctor said that 5% of those injured had persistent symptoms and that he had had 12 patients die following receipt of the COVID-19 vaccine.