Activists Call for Young Children to Learn Critical Race Theory

The organization EmbraceRace developed a guide to teach young children about Critical Race Theory (CRT).

The guide, titled “Reflections on Children’s Racial Learning,” describes how “[r]ace is deeply woven into the fabric of US life.”

“Race shapes whether cars stop for pedestrians at crosswalks, the makeup of our social and professional networks, and our policy preferences in areas from education to health care and even climate change,” it reads.

“Recent eruptions about ‘critical race theory’ make clear that the work of educators to engage children in honest, constructive learning about race and racism is far from over — and as vital as ever,” the guide adds.

According to the authors, by age 3 or 4, white children “generally show clear pro-White biases, while children of color do not show similar preferences for their own racial groups, and often show preferences for higher-status groups over lower-status groups.”

“Our contributors make plain that if we are to transform the landscape of how and what children in the United States learn about race, we must organize ourselves with purpose and vigor, at much greater scale, within and across sectors,” the document concludes.

Some of the contributors included professionals from the University of California, Berkeley; University of Pittsburgh; University of Minnesota; Stanford University; Virginia Commonwealth University; and others.

American Faith reported that a school district in California’s Bay Area is launching an initiative expected to cost more than $100,000 to train over a hundred students to become Critical Race Theory activists.

Martinez Unified School District (MUSD), located near Berkeley, California, is preparing to train students to become CRT activists guided by Lori Watson, the CEO of Oakland-based racial equity consulting firm Race Work, which aims to “interrupt systemic racism” and calls on allies to become “co-conspirators.”