Trump Urged to Pardon Pro-Life Activists

The Thomas Moore Society, a conservative legal group, is calling for President-elect Donald Trump to pardon 21 pro-life activists prosecuted by the Biden administration.

“We represent peaceful pro-life Americans, some of whom were unjustly imprisoned and others unjustly convicted by the Biden Department of Justice for demonstrating at abortion facilities,” the group’s letter says. “They have been heartened during their imprisonment and unjust prosecutions by your repeated messages to them during your campaign, urging them to persevere until you were able to take office, review their cases, and free them.”

“These peaceful pro-life Americans mistreated by Biden include grandparents, pastors, a Holocaust survivor, and a Catholic priest—all are selfless, sincere patriots. Their respective plights and personal information are provided in attachments to this letter. We respectfully urge that all 21 of them detailed here are richly deserving of full and unconditional pardons.”

The letter lists anti-abortion activists in Tennessee, Washington, D.C., Michigan, and New York.

“Peaceable actions like these usually merit, at worst, a minor misdemeanor conviction,” the letter says. “And had they been opposing anything but abortion, Joe Biden would have given them medals—instead Biden wanted them branded as ‘convicted felons’ and imprisoned for years in a federal penitentiary.”

“While the Biden DOJ zealously hunted down pro-life advocates and prosecuted them to the fullest extent under the law (and beyond), it refused to prosecute almost any of the more than 170 incidents of violence against pro-life pregnancy centers and churches nationwide in the wake of the leak of the Dobbs decision, even though pregnancy centers and churches are supposed to be protected under FACE,” the letter adds, referring to the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994.

Pam Bondi, Trump’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General, said during her confirmation hearing that she would protect the pro-life beliefs of Americans.

“Will you stop the deliberate persecution of pro-life Americans for nothing more than their pro-life beliefs?” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) asked her. Bondi responded, “Yes, Senator.”