Study Raises Concerns on N95 Masks Emitting Toxic Compounds

Immediate symptoms might include headaches and nausea, while long-term exposure has the potential to cause organ damage and even cancer.

Vax mRNA Stays in Blood for At Least 28 Days After Injection: Peer-Reviewed Danish Study

"To our knowledge, our study is the first to detect Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine sequences in blood after vaccination, and therefore provides new knowledge regarding the timeframe in which the mRNA can be detected," the study authors write.

Korea Engineered ‘Mutant’ COVID Variants with ‘Site-Directed Mutagenesis’ Requiring ‘Enhanced Biosafety Level 3’: Funded by NIH

Gentic material from COVID virus combined with genetic material from hepatitis D virus.

‘Second Lab Leak’ from Pfizer’s India Operations?

As the world continues to grapple with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, new questions have emerged about the origin of the virus and whether one of its more pathogenic variants, Delta, may have originated from Pfizer Inc.'s India operations.

How COVID Vaccines Cause Cancer

Antibodies are studied more than other immune proteins for association with disease.

‘Why Would You Want to Decrease Access to Quality Lifesaving Measures?’: Dr. Richard Bartlett

Video clip exposes mainstream coverup of safe, effective medical alternatives to the COVID-19 vaccine.

COVID Vax ‘Temporarily Impairs Semen Concentration’: Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal

The vaccine "is a reasonable cause for transient semen concentration and TMC decline," according to the study.

‘Mask Mandates Actually Caused About 1.5 Times the Number of Deaths or ∼50% More Deaths Compared to No Mask Mandates’: Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal

"The most important finding from this study is that contrary to the accepted thought that fewer people are dying because infection rates are reduced by masks, this was not the case," wrote Dr. Fögen.

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