Shoutout to Ted Cruz, The Patriot Who Fought for Military Participation in Flag Ceremonies

Since the Biden administration took office nearly four years ago, there have been a slew of controversial actions, many of which seem unjustified. But often, it’s the behind-the-scenes decisions that cause the most frustration. One such example was the Department of Defense’s (DOD) February 2023 policy that prohibited uniformed servicemembers from participating in the unfurling of the American flag at sporting events. The policy, stemming from concerns about how flags were displayed horizontally at these events, had no real justification and only served to dampen the spirit of military members and fans alike.

Enter Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a true American patriot. In the summer of 2024, Cruz proposed a bill to end this misguided policy and allow servicemembers to once again take part in flag ceremonies at sporting events, where they could proudly honor the flag alongside the public. The bill, called the Updating National Flag Use to Reaffirm Liberty (UNFURL) Act, has now been incorporated into the recently passed Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act. Thanks to Cruz’s efforts, the bill will now help restore this cherished tradition.

And if that wasn’t enough, Cruz recently stole the spotlight with a question that got people talking: “Why do women’s sports exist?” This bold, straightforward question is yet another example of Cruz’s unapologetic approach to tackling important issues, making waves in both the political and public arenas.

Kudos to Ted Cruz for his steadfast support of our military and for standing up for the values that make America great!