March for Life U.K. Breaks Records

Thousands of people took part in the U.K.’s March for Life earlier this month to declare that abortion is not healthcare.

The event drew a record-breaking crowd of an estimated 8,000-10,000 people.

Crowds gathered at the Emmanuel Centre’s auditorium in London to hear medical ethics doctor and philosopher Calum Miller and Fiat Fertility Care’s Ira Winter challenge the “notion that abortion is healthcare,” March for Life U.K. wrote.

Adam Smith-Connor, described by the pro-life group as a “post-abortive father who previously assisted with abortions during his army medical training,” shared during the Pro-Life Health Summit that “calling abortion healthcare because it involves doctors and drugs is like calling the death penalty healthcare because it also involves doctors and drugs.”

Following the summit, pro-life activists “marched up past Parliament and looped back to Parliament Square,” the organization wrote. The activists played “medieval Latin chants mingled with modern worship songs,” as well as a pro-life version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a woman previously arrested for praying outside U.K. abortion clinics, said that life is “not a privilege to be earned but a gift bestowed on us at conception by Almighty God.”

Claire Culwell, an abortion survivor, told the crowd that the pro-life movement is “saving lives and creating a culture which values life from conception to natural death.”

Pro-life advocate Anna Lulis shared a video from the September 7 march, calling the thousands in the streets “powerful.”

According to data released by the Department of Health and Social Care in May, there were 251,377 abortions across England and Wales in 2022. The number is a 17% increase from 2021.