Many Liberal Television Shows Cancelled in 2022

Americans have rejected “woke” television shows this new year due to leftist agenda-driven plots.

  • Many politically left-leaning television shows have announced they will be canceled this year, reflecting the fact that many people don’t want to watch shows with “woke” agendas.
  • Last month, Showtime announced it would be taking off air the series “Work in Progress,” based on “a 45-year old self-identified fat, queer d***.”
  • Additionally, FX discontinued “Y: The Last Man,” a show that narrates life after an apocalypse that kills all men and only leaves transgenders on the planet.

“Hollywood desperately wishes most humans rejected ‘heteronormativity,’ and they regularly pump out shows centered on LGBTQIA narratives. Naturally, most of these shows fail because the majority of television audiences find current Gay Inc. obsessions alienating.”

  • A number of anti-Christian television shows have also been canceled, including “Black Monday” and “The Lost Symbol.”
  • Both shows cursed God and attacked biblical principles, showing audiences largely reject this type of narrative.
  • Anti-White shows were also heavily disregarded, with the HBO Max series “In-Treatment,” based on a psychiatrist who uses therapy sessions to rant about white people.