Law School Course Describes ‘Crisis’ of American Legal System in ‘Age of Trump’

An exclusive report from The Daily Caller details a new course offered by the University of Colorado Boulder’s Law School.

The course, called “Statutory Interpretation,” is described as a class examining the “theories of legislation and the relation between legislatures and courts, emphasizing problems of statutory interpretation and other issues in the judicial use or misuse of statutes.”

The Daily Caller obtained an email from professor Paul Campos, where he wrote that the course could be “more accurately titled The Crisis of the American Legal System in the Age of Trump.”

Campos said the course would focus on the “battle over abortion rights,” the “potentially facist overtones” of “authoritarian Christianist nationalism,” the “Supreme Court’s current legitimacy crisis,” and the “various prosecutions and civil actions in which Donald Trump is a criminal and civil defendant.”

These issues represent “some sort of fundamental threat to social and political national stability,” the email said.

The course is offered to second-year law students.

Some of the required reading for the course includes “‘Kristen Luker’s Abortion and Politics of Motherhood, Robert Paxton’s The Anatomy of Fascism, and Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland (selections), and essays such as Joan Didion’s ‘The White Album,’ Umberto Eco’s ‘Ur-Fascism,’ Perlstein’s ‘The Long Con,’ and Ta-Nehisi Coates’, ‘The First White President.'”

One student told the Daily Caller that professors “tout the likes of Ginsburg and Sotomayor, reading their opinions as though it were gospel.”

“It is absurd that a public university in this age would push the narrative that there is a secret cabal being pushed by members of a religion to overthrow the government,” the student added. “I’ve heard professors and students alike joke and insult Christianity for being backwards. It’s no wonder that someone is now teaching to fear it as a course.”

Wenyuan Wu, Ph.D., of the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation, wrote on X, in part, “If rural, Christian, uneducated voters cannot ‘think for themselves,’ unlike these self-anointed elites, why are they so afraid of us as ‘the fundamental threat to social and political stability’?”