Investigation Reveals Disney’s Gender Transition Program

An investigation from the O’Keefe Media Group (OMG Media) has exposed Disney’s program called G.E.T., or Gender Expression and Transitioning. The program “pressures Disney employees to conform to the demands of their gender transitioning co-workers,” James O’Keefe said.

According to internal documents reviewed by the journalist, Disney’s health insurance plans cover gender transition surgeries with consumer dollars.

Disney also has a PRIDE Think Tank connected to its PRIDE Business Employee Resource Group (BERG), which develops strategies to involve LGBTQ consumers in Disney products. As a result, narratives surrounding sexuality are embedded within Disney’s “family-friendly” marketing.

A video from a Disney insider obtained by the O’Keefe Media Group showcases the G.E.T., instructing Disney employees how to be “a good ally to your transgender and nonbinary cast members.”

The announcement comes ahead of the media group’s “The Disney Files: Part 3.”

A previous investigation into Disney revealed that the company avoids hiring white men.

Senior Vice President and Team Lead with 20th Television – The Walt Disney Company, Michael Giordano, told an undercover reporter, “Certainly, there have been times where, you know, there’s no way we’re hiring a white male for this.”

He added that there is a belief within Disney that including diverse characters may lead to “more money if we appeal to a wider variety of people, and it’s a good thing.”

Giordano noted, however, that he feels he is unable to move up in the company because he is white.

He added that some Disney employees in HR have told him that the company is “not considering any white males,” later admitting that he believes there may be a discrimination lawsuit in the future.

Earlier this month, a Disney whistleblower shared with OMG Media that a Disney mobile products operations manager advertised Seattle’s Pride Parade.

The parade event was co-sponsored by Disney and featured male nudists.