Harvard Invites Rutgers University Professor Who Appeared with Hamas Leader

Harvard University invited a Rutgers University professor to give a speech at the Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies.

The professor, Noura Erakat, appeared in a 2020 panel with Hamas leader Ghazi Hamad.

Erakat’s March 4 speech at Harvard is titled, “We Charge Genocide: The Potential and Limits of International Law.”

On February 21, Erakat gave a lecture at Rutgers on “Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine.”

Representative Josh Gottheimer (R-NJ) condemned Rutgers for holding lectures with Erakat, sharing with The New York Post, “Rutgers’ continued promotion of notorious antisemites increases the spread of hate speech and the possibility of violence and harassment on campus. While differing views are a crucial part of building cultural understanding, universities cannot provide a bully pulpit for those who seek to divide and spew hate.”

A spokesperson for Canary Mission, a group that “documents people and groups that promote hatred of the USA, Israel and Jews,” told Campus Reform, “Rutgers University employs an antisemite who keeps company with a Hamas commander. The continued employment of Noura Erekat by Rutgers undermines their supposed commitment to combating antisemitism.”

“Canary Mission calls on Rutgers to fire Noura Erekat and take a decisive stand against Antisemitism. Harvard hosting Noura Erekat is yet another example of the once great institution’s failure in the face of standing up to antisemitism.”