Ghislaine Maxwell Handcuffed, Thrown Into Solitary Confinement After Claiming Epstein Was Murdered

The incident follows accusations that Maxwell profited from a recent interview.

  • Convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell was reportedly thrown into solitary confinement after being accused of profiting from an interview, violating her 20-year prison sentence terms.
  • The Daily Mail reported that two weeks after the interview, Maxwell “was just minding her own business when they came in, turned her around and handcuffed her,” according to unnamed sources.
  • “She got really upset, she was crying, she was yelling that she hadn’t received any money, but nobody saw her again for three days,” the source continued.
  • Maxwell was led to a Special Housing Unit (SHU), which the unnamed source described as “a little box,” where “you’re only allowed out to shower once a day. There’s no contact from anyone, no privileges, they slide your meals through a slot.”
  • “Normally people stay there for at least two weeks but she was out in about 48 hours because there was no evidence she was guilty,” the source added.
  • As Maxwell is only allowed video calls with pre-approved family and friends, the interview was likely obtained through a phone call with friend and filmmaker, Daphne Barak.
  • In the interview, Maxwell stated that she believes pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was “murdered,” contrary to the mainstream narrative.
  • Maxwell said was “shocked” upon learning of his death. “And I wondered how it had happened. Because as far as I was concerned, he was going to … I was sure he was going to appeal,” she continued. “And I was sure that he was covered under the non-prosecution agreement.”
  • The convict also seemed to regret her affiliation with Epstein, noting, “I honestly wish I’d never met him, you know, looking back now,” but did not apologize to the trafficking victims.
  • More than 20 of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking victims were paid through JPMorgan accounts, according to a lawsuit.
  • The previously redacted passages suggest JPMorgan was “complicit” in Epstein’s crimes.
  • The passages also reveal Epstein’s “close personal relationship” with JPMorgan’s then-senior executive Jes Staley.