Former NFL Player Shares Gospel During Hall of Fame Induction

Former Denver Broncos linebacker Randy Gradishar shared the Gospel during his induction to the National Football League Hall of Fame.

Gradishar was named a two-time First Team All-Pro and was the Broncos’ all-time leading tackler in the 1970s.

While giving his acceptance speech, Gradishar thanked his friend, Archie Griffin, for inviting him to a Bible study. He had not heard the Gospel prior to the Bible study.

“Archie years ago invited me to an on-campus Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting Bible study during my senior year,” Gradishar said. “That evening, in ’74, the gospel was explained in four simple truths. Truth one. God created mankind in his image, and that comes from Gen. 1:27. God loves us and offers a plan for our life.”

“Truth two. Mankind’s problems are from Romans 3:23. ‘That we’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory,’” he continued. “Therefore we cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives. Romans 6:23. ‘For the wages of sin is death’ our spiritual death.”

“Truth No. 3. God made a way. John 3:16. ‘That God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.’”

“Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, the darkest day in history, and Jesus’ resurrection earned Jesus the right to proclaim. ‘I am the way, the truth and the light,’ and ‘No one comes to the Father but through Me,'” Gradishar said. “And the fou rth truth, salvation requires turning to God, repent of our sins, accept His forgiveness, and ask Jesus by faith to be your personal Lord and Savior. This is the only way to be right with God and to live out His plans for our life, not ours.”

He called the invitation to the Bible study the “best invitation I’ve ever had.”

“Today, I dedicate my Pro Football Hall of Fame 2024 induction to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave me His life so I could be built to last,” Gradishar concluded.