Australian Town Urges Suspension of COVID Vaccines

Local officials in Port Hedland, Australia, recently called for Moderna and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines to be suspended.

The move comes as the councilors voted 5-2 in October to alert other local councils about risks associated with the vaccine and possible DNA contamination.

“DNA contamination has been discovered in Australian Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine vials (including a Pfizer kids’ dose),” the Port Hedland’s website says. “The DNA contamination was reported by Dr David Speicher of Canada. The levels of DNA contamination discovered in the Australian vials tested exceed the Therapeutic Goods Administration regulated amounts by between 7 and 145 times the legal level. This synthetic DNA contamination at these levels should not be in the vaccines. Nor should the SV40 enhancer that is in the Pfizer vials.”

In a letter sent to all Australian councils, the Town of Port Hedland wrote, “We are gravely concerned about the potential health risks posed by synthetic DNA contamination, including the dangers of genomic integration, cancer, hereditary defects and immune system disruption.”

Port Hedland officials then called for action to be taken against the vaccines to “ensure the safety of all Australians.”

The Slovak government is considering a ban on mRNA vaccines following the release of a report that called the COVID-19 pandemic an “act of bioterrorism.”

According to Slovak news agency TASR, Peter Kotlar, the government commissioner tasked with investigating the pandemic. said, “Unless the vaccination with mRNA products is stopped or at least their efficiency and safety is proven, which today I already know it won’t, and unless we save the Slovak Republic from the centralisation of power under the WHO, my task is senseless.”