Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced that he will be resigning from Congress on Sunday. He will be sworn into the Senate on Monday.
“I am so privileged to have been chosen by the voters of California to serve as their next United States Senator, following in the footsteps of a true giant of the Senate and a mentor of mine, former U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein,” Schiff wrote in his resignation letter.
“It has been my honor to represent the people of California’s 30th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives for the last 24 years,” he continued. “I am so grateful to my constituents for giving me the chance to serve them in the House, and to the residents of the state of California for now providing me this new opportunity in the Senate to serve the entire state I love.”
“I look forward to representing all the people of California, and doing my utmost to make sure that our state continues to provide opportunity, creativity, innovation, and a wonderful quality of life for generations to come.”
In a video message, Schiff said he “walked off the House floor where I cast my last vote as a House member after 24 years and I just want to thank the people of Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Hollywood, and the surrounding communities that make up the 30th Congressional District that made up other neighboring areas for the opportunity to serve them for all this time.”
Reports have circulated that Schiff may receive a preemptive pardon from President Joe Biden.